
Showing posts from July, 2020

Some interesting benefits of eating food on banana leaf

Since the ancient times, most of the people living in the south of India, eat their food on banana leaves.  The highest benefit is they are eco friendly . They decompose in a very short time unlike plastic which takes hundreds of years to bio degrade. Banana leaves need no soap to clean them ,so the food is chemically free. Banana leaves  contain large amounts of  polyphenols  that are natural antioxidants. These are found in many plant-based foods and green tea. Food served on the  banana leaves  absorbs the  polyphenols  which are said to prevent many lifestyle diseases. Banana leaves are water proof as well South Indian foods involve many liquid dishes such as rasam, sambar, etc. Banana leaves are waterproof which makes it easy to eat liquid food on the banana leaf plate. It won’t spoil your desk or clothes. Even the ghee and oils used in the food doesn’t stick on the plate and hence you can completely e...

Why do indians use neem twig for brushing?

See in the olden days people hadn't invented toothbrush and especially Indians who might have come across toothbrush and toothpaste but not use it maybe due to lack of awareness of its uses,. Economically, traditional beliefs etc. So they had no option but use neem or babool because of its antimicrobial properties . However still there are people who would use it in villages but not understand that it eventually wears off tooth enamel , damage and cause gum recession and basically not effeively clean the mouth. So in today's world people have scientifically prepared formulations of toothpaste and designed toothbrush to favor effective cleaning and least harm to your mouth and user friendly. Neem bark has anti-bacterial properties A  teeth cleaning twig  or  datun  is a tool made from a twig from a tree. It can help to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Neem twigs are used as oral deodorant, toothache reliever and for c...

what is the most important living being on earth?

BEES Bees are declared as the most important living being on earth. *They are responsible for pollinating nearly 85% of all food crops for  humans , as well as numerous crops that grow the food fed to cattle. *It is estimated that one third of the food that we consume each day relies on pollination mainly by bees , but also by other insects, birds and bats. *No human activity or ingenuity could ever replace the work of bees and yet it is largely taken for granted. It is often not realized just how easy it is to help or hinder their effectiveness as crop pollinators nor how much is lost by their loss. *Bees are the only insects that can create honey. Honey has numerous health benefits and is the only insect created substance that has all the properties to sustain life! *If bees disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have four years left to live . So If bees die, they are taking us with them....